Children’s Bible Questions and Answers: Tips for Discussing God’s Word

children's Bible questions and answers
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For children’s Bible questions and answers, I should be a certified expert. As the parent of two teens, I mistakenly thought my days of answering endless inquiries of “Why?” were over. But I think my oldest son asks me as many questions now as when he was a preschooler!

I also teach preschoolers and school-age children at church. These kids ask questions that would stump seasoned professors. As adults, we often view children’s questions as distractions from the point we’re teaching.

So, how should we approach questions children ask about the Bible? What can we do to encourage a shy or reflective child to openly query us? What are some typical childhood questions about God and the Bible?

We can prepare for children’s Bible questions and answers. Next, let’s explore four basic principles.

4 Tips for Children’s Bible Questions and Answers

1. Listen with your ears, eyes and mind.

First, pay complete attention. When a child probes you for information, wait to answer until you’re sure the child is finished talking. While listening with your ears, look at the child to discover facial clues. Is she afraid and worried or just curious? When a child is asking a question, stay focused. Don’t let your mind wander or begin formulating an answer prematurely.

2. Give kids only as much information as they’re ready to hear.

Next, answer according to the child’s level of understanding. Follow up the questions with your own questions to discover clues to his thinking and to determine what he’s really asking. Ask, “Why are you asking that?” or “What do you think?” Giving kids too much information before they’re ready to process it can lead to greater confusion. So remain age-appropriate.

3. Be honest.

Some questions are very tough and will catch you off guard. So resist the temptation to look surprised, regardless of the question. Some children try to shock adults with their questions; others innocently ask difficult questions. If time is short, promise to talk about the issue at a specified future time. (Then keep your promise.)

If you don’t know the answer, acknowledge that. Then promise to seek an answer. If the question is unanswerable, gently tell the child that no one knows the answer. But make sure she doesn’t think you’re avoiding a reply.

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Landry Holmes
Landry Holmes is the Managing Director of LifeWay’s Childhood Ministry Publishing.

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