Jesus Never Told Us To Fill Church Buildings

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Photo: Unsplash


Going to church has never been the point. Jesus didn’t tell us to “work really hard to gather people into large crowds to fill up your church buildings. Then I’ll know that you love me.” But when you look at how most pastors (including me) spend much of our time and energy, sometimes it feels like we think that.

Lately I’ve been seeing a lot of Facebook posts and blogs longing for the “good old days” when churches were full on Sunday mornings, evenings and during the week. This expression is especially prevalent on sites where small church pastors tend to congregate.

I understand that longing. After all, I’ve experienced many a Sunday with depressingly small church attendance. But I have three big problems with the “good old days” mindset.

First, the “good old days” weren’t so good.

We have selective memory. If we were transported back there, we’d all want to catch the first DeLorean back to today as fast as we could.

Second, longing for the past is setting ourselves up for defeat.

We can’t go back there! Time travel only works in one direction and at one speed. No church or pastor should ever want to go backward. Let’s honor the past but live in the now and plan for the future.

Third, I don’t want to hear about churches filling up as a sign of revival, renewal or spiritual awakening any more!

I want to hear about churches emptying out. Out into their community to minister, to serve and to share the good news. That’s a greater sign of revival than an increase in church attendance will ever be.

Our world doesn’t need bigger churches or filled-up small churches. We need transformed lives, families, cities and nations. That’s hard to do when all the Christians are cloistered inside church buildings.

Let’s Emphasize What Jesus Emphasized

Take a look at the Gospels. Did Jesus spend his time in church? Did he try to get people to go to church? Did the disciples?

No. Jesus and the disciples never emphasized going to church. They emphasized being the church and Mark 16:15 “going into the world.”

Jesus never told us to pray that church buildings would be filled. He told us to Luke 10:2 “ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” (emphasis mine)

Church isn’t about filling a building. It’s about filling the neighborhood with the good news of the love of Jesus.

(For one idea of what that can look like, click here for a three-minute video of something our church calls Share Days.)

Yes, I know some readers are already warming up their keyboards to remind me that Jesus told us to go the highways and alleyways Luke 14:23 “that my house will be full.” But any honest reading of the Luke 14 (entire context of the chapter) or any other similar passage, shows us that Jesus’ emphasis was on us going out, not bringing them in. And even then, the “in” he was talking about had nothing to do with filling up church buildings. It was about filling up heaven at “Luke 14:14“>the resurrection of the righteous.”

It’s About Going Out, Not Just Gathering Into Church Buildings

Of course it’s great when a church is filled with enthusiastic, worshiping believers and sincere seekers. But filling a church building should never be the goal.

Church buildings are tools God wants to use to reach the world, not an end in itself.

There have been too many times in history when church buildings have been filled while the neighborhood around them has gone to hell—in both senses of that term.

Every truly great church experience should be aimed toward two things:

  1. Magnifying the risen Christ.
  2. Sending believers out better equipped to love, serve and share the good news in word and deed.

Maybe we should start measuring church health and spiritual renewal by how we empty our churches, not just how we fill them.

So what do you think? Have you struggled with emphasizing bringing people into church buildings over sending them out?

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Karl Vaters
Karl is the author of four books and has been in pastoral ministry for almost 40 years. He is the teaching pastor of Cornerstone Christian Fellowship, a healthy small church in Orange County, California, where he has ministered for over 27 years with his wife, Shelley. Karl’s heart is to help pastors of small churches find the resources to lead well and to capitalize on the unique advantages that come with pastoring a small church. Karl produces resources for Helping Small Churches Thrive at, and has created S.P.A.R.K. Online (Small-Church Pastors Adapt & Recover Kit), which is updated regularly with new resources to help small churches deal with issues related to the COVID-19 crisis and aftermath.

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