Ministry Tech Leaders
Ministry Tech Leaders
The Sleepy Leader’s Brain
Many leaders, especially pastors, try to lead without getting adequate sleep and live with a sleepy leader’s brain. When we don’t get enough sleep, our brains don’t work as well. Thus, we don’t lead at our best.
Ministry Tech Leaders
Let’s Make Church Fun Again – From Tech to Tricks
I don’t know about your church past. I grew up attending church and, for the most part, it was fun. Being forced to attend “big church” with my parents was a drag, but most everything else was pretty great.
Ministry Tech Leaders
6 Questions to Ask BEFORE You Hire an A/V Consultant
It’s not just important but absolutely essential to find an A/V consultant with significant experience. More importantly, they have to have the right kind of experience.
Articles for Outreach & Missions
How To Reach a TikTok Teen
What exactly is a TikTok Teen? They are young people who are hyper-engaged with social platforms online (especially video app TikTok, as the name would suggest).
Ministry Tech Leaders
Church Tech Innovation – How Ministries Are Adapting
To remain vibrant communities that effectively reach and serve members old and new, church tech innovation is imperative.
Ministry Tech Leaders
10 Best Practices For Worship Sound Techs
Running worship sound has demands on all sides, opinions aplenty, an ear to the Pastor (the real head Sound Tech), an ear to the worship leader/band, and an ear to the Holy Spirit, this role requires a saint, a sound technician, and a servant – all wrapped up in one.
Ministry Tech Leaders
You’ve Been Warned: Don’t Send That Dangerous Email
If it’s a sensitive or confidential subject, to pick up the phone or schedule a face-to-face meeting instead of sending a dangerous email.
Ministry Tech Leaders
Is There Danger of Technology for the Church?
Harvard University and M.I.T. are offering a new course on the ethics and regulation of artificial intelligence (AI). It’s about time because of the potential danger of technology.