
Empathy in Church Leadership: Healing Through Connection

Empathy is about really getting what someone else is feeling. For church leaders, this means understanding what their congregations are going through and showing that they care.

J. Michael Jordan: Responsible Ministry Practices in Anxious Times

J. Michael Jordan and Jason Daye explore the importance of considering how the ways we preach, teach, worship, and gather relate to anxiety.

Cultivating Friendships

How good are you at cultivating friendships? A healthy pastor will seek to cultivate and maintain an ongoing connection with others, including other pastors.

Ken Shigematsu: Overcoming Shame and Experiencing True Joy

Ken Shigematsu and Jason Daye explore how God's grace can bring healing to our feelings of inadequacy, shame, and envy.

Growing Stronger Through Struggles: Insights and Tips

When life throws us a curveball, and we manage to hit it, we often end up growing stronger and learning a few things. Going through hard times can actually make us wiser and more resilient.

Four Values of Healthy Organizations

It’s the mission statement, vision, and strategy of healthy organizations that all work together to determine their purpose and direction. A thriving culture is created with the same level of care and intentionality.

John Inazu: Protests, Policy, Patriotism and Politics—How To Disagree Respectfully Without Compromising Our Convictions

John Inazu and Jason Daye discuss important considerations for engaging respectfully with those who hold differing views on issues and beliefs.

Embrace Immanuel Imagery for Healing

Immanuel Imagery, as practiced within Neuroscience Informed Christian Counseling®  and Neuroscience Informed Relational Discipleship, is a therapeutic approach that integrates the profound truths of Christian faith with the principles of modern psychology.