Do Not Disturb Setting – The Surprising Secret To Sanity

Do Not Disturb setting
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Interruptions are a part of life, and managing them is key to productivity. We are surrounded by technology that while enabling productivity is also helping us wastes a ton of time. Over the past few months I’ve tried a little experiment to limit interruptions and distractions. I keep my phone on the Do Not Disturb setting DND all the time. Wait! What? That’s madness! How do you survive?

I’ll be the first to admit that it was an adjustment, but it has been a good adjustment. Here’s why.

3 Reasons To Use DND On Your Phone

1. Focus

I’m constantly amazed at how folks stop everything they are doing to look at their device every time they get a notification, even if that notification is for a 1-degree change in the temperature outside. This seems the very definition of an addiction, but it is also rude. I’ve often wondered if folks are only interacting with me (or others) in order to kill the time between notifications on their devices.

Having my device on the Do Not Disturb setting allows me to stay focused on the task at hand, whether that’s a conversation, a project, writing an email, a meeting, or spending time with the fam. This allows me to check my device when I want to and not feel anxious because my device is constantly beckoning.

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Jonathan Smith
Jonathan Smith is the Director of Technology at Faith Ministries in Lafayette, IN and the President of MBS, Inc. He is an author and frequent conference speaker. You can reach Jonathan at and follow him on Twitter @JonathanESmith.

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