Church Online Giving Platforms – 5 Great Choices


Even while the Church’s mission remains unchanged throughout all generations, its practices will always be subject to change. For example, tithes and offerings: these days, those people in the seats who pass the offering plate without dropping in a check are still giving—often more generously than ever before! In our increasingly digital age, church online giving platforms have become a popular option for churches looking to connect with members who no longer carry cash or checks to church. If you want to maintain consistent levels of giving at your church, don’t let the offering plate pass them by without presenting an alternative way to give.

Church online giving platforms offer your members a convenient way to give, and also encourage consistent giving each week. Churchgoers have the freedom to decide how much they want to donate and how frequently, and even have the choice to automate their giving by setting up recurring gifts. From debit cards to credit cards to automatic bank withdrawals, church online giving platforms make tithes and offerings easy for everyone.

There are some great giving platforms to choose from that can be tweaked to fit your church’s specific needs. But with all the options out there, how do you know which one is right for your church?

We’ve rounded up our five favorite church online giving platforms to help you provide your congregation with the option to give online and mobile.

Church Online Giving Platforms – 5 Great Choices

1. Secure Give

SecureGive has a 15-year track record of helping churches grow their giving to further their missions. With cutting edge technology, expert implementation, and biblical stewardship strategy, you’re resourced to grow giving in a sustainable way.

The five-platform digital giving ecosystem is built to make giving easy for anyone at any time, driving engagement to the next level.

Every church can create a custom plan to implement the tools that will serve their specific needs, including online, mobile, text to give, giving kiosks, and check scanning with automatic bank deposit. These five platforms are managed from a single place making reporting easy and saving administrative hours.

From a pricing standpoint, SecureGive stands out among church online giving platforms by providing tremendous value. Tiered monthly plans paired with industry-leading transaction rates (1.75% for debit and 2.5% for credit, plus $0.30) keep costs low, which means more money goes directly to ministry. Secure Give provides unique giving kiosks that drive rates even lower: 1.5% for debit and 2.0% for credit.

SecureGive has built their platform with an emphasis on enterprise-grade security and infrastructure: donor information is safe, proving (as their website says) “confidence your church can always give with a 99.999% up time.”

SecureGive provides a one-stop, full-scale digital giving solution, world class client support, and in-depth resources and coaching to ensure your churches giving is easy and growing.

2. mobileAxept

The people at mobileAxept saw the future as far back as 2006, when they developed the first of their church online giving platforms. Client focus is in their DNA. They pride themselves on availability from the moment of first-contact, mobileAxept is available to provide adoption strategies, answer questions, and troubleshoot by phone or email. One user remarked: “We signed on the dotted line and their team stayed with us each step to be sure our roll out was a success, helped us trouble shoot with our less-tech-savvy-members and they continue to check on us to be sure we are pleased.”

mobileAxept provides solutions that make giving, communicating, and connecting effective and convenient for ministries and congregations. As the world continues to move toward a digital-payment-only society the need for ministries and congregations to adapt has never been greater. A Norwegian pastor saw this trend and pioneered mobileAxept text giving for his church in 2006. He knew the world was changing and subsequent studies proved, that when giving is convenient, more people give. Soon, pastors around the world sought out his text-to-give solution for their churches and their GiveNow product is considered by some as the gold standard for churches everywhere.

Now headquartered in Minneapolis, MN, mobileAxept serves some of the largest and fastest growing churches in the United States. In addition to their GiveNow product they have added ReachNow and ConnectNow to their suite of services. Combining mobileAxept’s solutions allows ministries to increase engagement with their members and visitors.

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