Teaching Boundaries for Youth: 16 Resources for Guiding Teens

teaching boundaries for youth
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Why is teaching boundaries for youth so essential? Why do we need to teach teens the blessings of limits?

Read on to learn the importance of this biblical concept. And discover loads of solid resources for youth ministers and parents!

Teaching Boundaries for Youth

Teenagers tend to complain about boundaries. But most will admit that having no boundaries would be worse. Loving boundaries guide young people toward adulthood. So don’t delay when teaching boundaries for youth!

Here’s a helpful analogy from youth pastor Jeremy Zach. Spiritually speaking, today’s teens are like a certain cartoon character. “Curious George was curious, but his curiosity got him in trouble,” writes Zach. “American teenagers are spiritually curious and want to experiment with their spiritual life. But teens are scared they might get in trouble if they experiment too much—just like Curious George did.”

That’s why boundaries and spiritual disciplines are key. That way, teens can have safe spaces to be curious about faith and life. They need to be intentional about experiencing God and have boundaries for exploring his world.

Next let’s explore great resources for teaching boundaries for youth.

Resources for Teaching Boundaries for Youth

Check out these 16 sites and sources, most of which are free. Adapt them for use in your church, youth ministry, and homes. Then share your favorite materials related to this topic.

1. The Christian Concept of Boundaries

Explore why setting boundaries is biblical and godly.

2. Jesus, the Boundary-Setter

Learn how Jesus set boundaries during his ministry. Then help teens follow his example!

3. Scripture Passages About Boundaries

Discover Bible insights about the blessing of boundaries.

4. More Biblical Boundary Info

Dive deeper into what God’s Word teaches about the benefits of boundaries.

5. The Role of Bridges

See why it might be better to build a bridge than establish a boundary.

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Stephanie Martin
Stephanie Martin, a freelance writer and editor in Denver, has spent her entire 30-year journalism career in Christian publishing. She loves the Word and words, is a binge reader and grammar nut, and is fanatic (as her family can attest) about Jeopardy! and pro football.

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