Little Missionaries: Teaching Kids to Spread God’s Love

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Developing little missionaries in your children’s ministry is doable. In fact, it happens weekly in Sunday school classrooms. Young evangelists profoundly impact people all around them by sharing Jesus’ love.

By nurturing seeds of faith in young hearts, we empower kids to spread the gospel everywhere they go. Learn how children’s ministry leaders and parents can inspire kids to be everyday missionaries.

Reasons to Grow Little Missionaries

Most children are naturals at connecting with others. With their innocence and enthusiasm, kids break down barriers that hamper adults.

Your students may not have theological depth or life experience yet. But they possess something more valuable: pure, childlike faith. This kind of trust can move mountains and touch hearts!

Set the Stage for Missions Work

Before children can share their faith, they must understand what it means to follow Jesus. Parents and Sunday school teachers do that through Bible lessons, prayers, and discussions. So lay the groundwork with these strategies:

1. Bring the Bible to life.

God’s Word tells of many missionaries, from Old Testament prophets to New Testament apostles. Share these accounts in age-appropriate ways. Teach via puppets, videos, and skits. Seeing how other people serve God inspires kids to do the same.

2. Focus on Jesus’ commands.

Jesus taught us to love God and to love our neighbors as ourselves. (See Matthew 22:37-39.) Teach little missionaries that faith-sharing is an act of love. Using everyday examples, focus on kindness, service, and friendship.

3. Memorize Scripture.

Next, equip kids with simple, powerful Bible verses they can share. Verses like John 3:16, “For God so loved the world…” and Matthew 28:19, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…” are easy to remember. These verses serve as starting points for faith-sharing.

Faith-Sharing for Children

After setting a foundation, help kids actively share their faith. Practical ideas include:

  • Role-Playing Scenarios—Have kids practice talking about Jesus. For example, one can pretend to be a friend who doesn’t know the Savior. Then another can talk about Jesus dying for us. This helps children get comfortable talking about faith in a safe environment before doing it elsewhere.
  • Missions Projects—Teach kids that missionary work happens not just in far-off places. It starts right where they are. So organize local projects for Sunday school students. They can make cards for homebound people, collect canned food, or clean up a park.
  • Peer Evangelism—Children strongly influence their peers. Remind them to invite friends to church. Practice talking about faith in everyday situations. Because kids are curious and open to learning from one another, peer evangelism is powerful.

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Stephanie Martin
Stephanie Martin, a freelance writer and editor in Denver, has spent her entire 30-year journalism career in Christian publishing. She loves the Word and words, is a binge reader and grammar nut, and is fanatic (as her family can attest) about Jeopardy! and pro football.

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