Missional Ministry: Best Practices for Fall and Beyond

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Missional ministry is a year-round pursuit. And fall kickoff is a great reminder of the importance of being mission-minded. Read more from youth ministry veteran Dave Livermore.

Fall means the start of a new season of ministry. For many youth leaders, this is the most hectic and exciting time of year. Because of the energy and stress of beginning a new ministry year, September, more than any other month, can define our entire program.

As important as fall events are, let’s keep them in perspective. What you seek to accomplish in September must last beyond the season. What you’re launching can shape where you’ll be next year at this time. With that in mind, here are some suggestions for the big fall push.

5 Reminders for Missional Ministry

1. Know that bigger isn’t necessarily better.

First we usually ask, “What did we do last year?” And we assume that this year’s events must be even better than last year’s. Keep in mind: Your program start-up events can’t get bigger each year. And last year probably wasn’t as huge as you remember.

2. Avoid the bait and switch.

The problem with some kickoff events? New kids get the impression that all youth group meetings are parties with rock bands and free food. When they return and see people sitting in circles discussing the Bible, they’ll think they’re at the wrong place.

3. Don’t put all your energy into one event, leaving nothing for what comes next.

Kickoffs, events, and trips usually have a big workup, followed by a big letdown. Yet the time after an event is often a portal to helping kids connect with what’s next. Start-of-the-year events might grab teenagers’ attention, but they don’t have enough power to keep them around.

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