Refresh Your Soul: 25 Ways for Ministry Leaders To Recharge

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If you’re in ministry, you need to refresh your soul. Read on to discover how to follow Jesus’ example and refill your cup.

Ministry Friends: God needs us to be refreshed, restored, refueled, and ready to minister to kids. All of us in children’s ministry—paid, unpaid, volunteer, or staff—get “souled out,” revved up, and passionate about everything there is to do in our churches. Working hard and going far beyond the extra mile is a lifestyle. You invest yourself wholeheartedly in what you believe.

This is all great. Our churches need passionate, enthusiastic, energy-filled people diligently working to reach children for God. And so, for the kingdom’s sake, it’s just as vital that those serving take good care of who they are. Ministry is demanding. It requires hard work—and sometimes much more.

God needs us to be refreshed, restored, refueled, and ready to minister to children for him. So I ask you: How are you today? Are you taking good care of yourself?

If you aren’t, it’s time to start. You can’t serve yourself, your family, the church, or children by working yourself into the ground. You need to be proactive and refresh your soul. Make a point this school year to slow down. Make room for these 25 things, or others, that help you recharge.

25 Ways to Refresh Your Soul

1. Is there a park nearby?

During your day, take a walk in the park or even just around your church building. Enjoy your surroundings. Find a bench or a warm rock and soak up the sunshine.

2. Seek people who make you laugh.

Connect with them. Laughter is great for the soul. It’s rejuvenating.

3. Go on an adventure.

Take a risk. I went dog-sledding this year. Wow—exhilarating and refreshing! Maybe for you it’s kayaking, hiking, sailing, or climbing.

4. Spend time with a spiritual mentor.

Take time receiving, rather than always giving. This alone can be hard work, but in the end, you’ll be renewed.

5. Go on a picnic.

Pack a basket, slip into nature, and enjoy yourself. Take in everything—or just eat lunch.

6. Play.

You might not have time for 18 holes of golf, but you might be able to play miniature golf or toss a ball around with a friend.

7. Schedule a creative, fun lunch or coffee break.

Invite rejuvenating conversation. Relax. Don’t rush; take extra time.

8. Get a sketchpad and pencil.

Sit outside and choose something to sketch. Draw. Don’t worry about the outcome; just enjoy the experience.

9. Go for a swim.

Be buoyant. Let the water support you. Enjoy the shallow and the deep.

10. Go for a brisk walk.

It doesn’t matter how long or short, or whether it’s raining or shining. Just go, and go briskly! Increasing your heart rate actually combats fatigue, mental and physical.

11. Is there a basketball hoop nearby?

Go shoot some baskets and do a few layups. Can you still make a free throw? How about a three-pointer?

12. Launch balloons or beach balls in your work area.

Start a friendly game of Keep It Up.

13. Get comfortable and close your eyes.

Clear your mind and think about a fun experience you’ve had in life; those you love; a beautiful island in the ocean; something you’re looking forward to; taking a walk with Jesus.

14. Plant something.

Get your hands dirty—really dirty!

15. Get a massage.

It’s good for you and will definitely refresh your soul (and body).

16. Show gratitude.

Write a thank-you note to someone who has been a positive influence in your life.

17. Write a psalm.

Praise God. Then listen for direction or soothing, refreshing words from God.

18. Listen to your favorite music.

Allow it to soothe you—or stir you.

19. Try your hand at an art project.

Be an artist. Then—no matter how it turns out—give it to someone.

20. Stretch for 10 minutes.

Then jump. Jog. Get your heart rate up. Then cool down with a drink of water and more stretches.

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