Dave Willis

Dave Willis is a bestselling author, podcaster and one of the most widely-read relationship bloggers on the internet. He and his wife, Ashley, work together to create marriage and family resources as part of the ministry of MarriageToday. They have four sons ranging in age from preschool to high school, and their family lives near Dallas, TX. Dave’s new book, Raising Boys Who Respect Girls, is available everywhere books are sold on November 12, 2019.

7 Things Your Kids Will Remember About You

Guess what? Kids will remember what they love about you. As parents, we tend to stress about things that actually don’t matter that much, but here are 7 important things in life that your kids will not forget!

4 Things You Should Never Ever Do in Marriage

If you want to prevent unnecessary conflict in marriage, protect your spouse’s heart, and keep a solid foundation of trust, then please DON’T do these four things.

10 Signs of an Emotional Affair

I often advise couples to be VERY careful about having close friends of the opposite sex, because most affairs start out as “friendships” that cross the line.

The Best Marriage Advice We’ve Ever Heard

Choose to love each other even in those moments when you struggle to like each other. Love is a commitment, not just a feeling.

5 Things Men Should Know About Submission

Submission in the Bible is one of the most controversial, misused, and misunderstood marriage teachings. Men in particular need to keep these five things in mind.

My Spouse Had an Affair! Now What?

For those couples where both spouses are willing to move forward together, don’t quit! The road will be long and it will be difficult, but it will be worth the effort! The Lord will give you grace and strength for the journey and this deep scar can become a powerful part of your testimony someday.

12 Habits That Lead to Divorce…and How to Avoid Them!

No one intends to develop these habits that lead to divorce. In fact, every married couple has exchanged vows which promise “til death do us part,” but for far too many marriages, their dreams of “forever” are crushed by divorce.

To My Friend Whose Marriage Is Pretty Much Dead

"Life is busy, but overall, it’s pretty good. My job is going well. Kids are great. My marriage is pretty much dead.“

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