How to Find the Best Leadership Team for Small Groups

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I often hear group leaders and counselors say, “Where are all that have graduated from the Leadership School or Training Route? Why aren’t they serving? What are all the supposed trained leaders doing that they do not get involved in the vision? As pastors we tend to have some frustration because we would like to see many, if not all, the people involved in the small group ministry and to build the best leadership team. But in many cases, this does not happen. What can we do?

I asked myself this question many times, and in some occasions, I encouraged the discouraged, and in the worst case, I scolded the idlers. The problem is that those who do not collaborate do not reach the meetings and the ones who are working end up receiving the exhortation. However, I discovered something that helped me a lot. I found that Nehemiah was a man of prayer and goals, and he organized, motivated, planned and provided a climate of trust and teamwork. Achieving goals, winning people for Christ and involving people in a vision always require certain skills.

How to Find the Best Leadership Team

In chapter three of the book of Nehemiah, we read about essential principles for leadership. Nehemiah tried to involve all the inhabitants of the city in the reconstruction of the wall. The religious leaders set the example. Among those who got involved were men and women, artisans, intellectuals, perfumers, goldsmiths, government leaders and business people. Everyone was mixing mud and carrying bricks. Well, not all, because, “The people of Tekoa reconstructed the next section of the wall, although the nobles did not want to collaborate with the leaders” (Nehemiah 3: 5). It seems that the “nobles” thought that they were too good to do this kind of work. Getting to move bricks was inferior to their position.

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Joel Comiskey
Joel Comiskey (Ph.D. Fuller Seminary) is an internationally recognized cell church coach and consultant. He has served as a missionary with the C&MA in Quito, Ecuador and is now founding pastor of a cell-based church in Southern California. Joel has written best selling books on the worldwide cell group movement. He teaches as an adjunct professor at several theological seminaries. Joel Comiskey Group is a tax exempt, non-profit organization dedicated to helping complete the Great Commission in this century by providing resources and coaching to plant new cell churches and transition existing churches to cell-based ministry. For further reading on this topic, see Comiskey's books Making Cell Groups Work Navigation Guide and Home Cell Group Explosion.

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