Articles for Small Group Leaders

If You Want People to Grow Spiritually Teach Them to Meditate on the Bible

We should quit telling people to study the Bible, and start telling them to meditate on the Bible and delight in it.

The Most Effective Way to Build Trust in Your Small Group

Many of us have probably heard more than once things we can do to foster trust: group confidentiality, sharing stories, ice breakers, sharing a meal, etc., but I am wondering if modeling a posture of listening might be the most effective way to build trust.

The 8 Qualities of a Group Leader

Can-Do Leadership is about more than having a strong work ethic; it’s also about your perspective, mindset, tenacity, and posture toward being solution-focused. Check out the important qualities of a group leader.

How to Find the Best Leadership Team for Small Groups

When you are building your best leadership team, instead of trying to spend effort with the apathetic, focus on those who want to work.

Political Discussions in Your Small Group? Here Are 5 Ways Forward

You can start now to prepare the small group leaders and members you serve to navigate political discussions with grace.

How Healing Comes Through the Practice of Confession

There is a reason the Puritans considered repentance a doctrine of the Church, and I think it’s about time we reinstate this practice of confession in community.

How to Help a Group Member Facing a Crisis

Trust God. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes! Lean on God as you learn to care for and counsel your friend facing a crisis.

The Early Church and Small Groups

What does Scripture say about the early church and small groups? Imagine living in the days of the first-century church.

Who Do You Trust in Your Small Group?

Trust is seen so rarely these days that you can almost think of it as an endangered species. Let's start with: Who Do You Trust?

4 Essentials for a Small Group Leader Job Description

What does a small group leader job description for a small group director (or pastor) look like? Here are the basics, but I want to be sure and qualify it by acknowledging this is by no means complete.

The Beauty of Eating Together in Small Groups

One of the most beautiful aspects of eating together is in the mutual recognition of the beauty in each and every person.