
Feedback Attacks the Biggest Prohibitor to Development

Not providing feedback hurts the team and the organization, but it also hurts the person. According to Proverbs, it is kind to provide corrective feedback to those you love.

6 Ways To Love People Like Jesus Did

Over the years, I’ve explored the life of Jesus, and here’s what I’ve learned about his approach to loving humanity. Now I want to love people like Jesus did.

Belonging Before Believing

According to a recent survey, a sense of community and belonging edge out shared spiritual beliefs as the velcro that keeps them attached and, as a result, attending church

When (and How) To Confront a Staff Member’s Lack of Detail Orientation

I received a great question from a leader in our community: How much should you "correct" when small details are missed (misspellings, misinformation, lack of attention to detail)?

Beware the Backward Drift

In John Bunyan’s classic, "The Pilgrim's Progress," there is a sobering picture of the experience of apostasy in the lives of those who once professed faith in Christ but who ultimately abandoned that profession.

Karl Vaters: Your Small Church Has What People Need the Most Right Now

“What people need," says Karl Vaters, "is familiarity and relationships. They need to be in places that they know with people that they know and love.”

Free Memory Game Printable: Easter

Teach your kids the Easter story using these printables.

Free Sermon Series Package: "Rules of Engagement"

"Whatever our status (single, married, parent, widowed, divorced), this is the day that the Lord has made."