Free Resources for Pastors

Free Sermon Series Package: "Rules of Engagement"

"Whatever our status (single, married, parent, widowed, divorced), this is the day that the Lord has made."

Free eBook: Gospel-Centered Advent eBook for Parents

Advent is the season where we prepare our hearts for worshiping on Christmas Day as we celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus.

It Will Be Well – PDF’s & Postcards From 700 Years Ago

"All will be well. All will be well. All manner of things will be well." Whenever I read this saying from Julian of Norwich, it puts my heart at peace. I know both theologically and from personal experience, how true these words are.

15 Preaching Quotes for Thanksgiving

Good preaching quotes great preachers. How much will you talk about Thanksgiving (or the giving of thanks) from the pulpit this year? 400 years of American history, coupled with the full history of the church worldwide, provides us with plenty of preaching quotes for Thanksgiving.

If I Were Preaching a Christmas Sermon Series

Here are some helpful resources as you seek to build out your Christmas sermon series.

What Expository Preaching Is NOT

What is expository preaching exactly? We talk about it a lot, but here are 14 myths we need to be aware of in order to faithfully practice this type of preaching.

25 Best Pentecost Sermons and Worship Resources

On Pentecost, the Church celebrates the gift of the Holy Spirit's power to proclaim the risen Christ to the ends of the earth. For your worship services, here are 25 best Pentecost sermons and worship resources.

Free eBook: “The Hidden Smile of God” by John Piper

Discover how God takes the privilege of faith and strengthens it with trials so that we experience a greater hunger for him.

How the Master’s Way 21-Day Course Delivers Financial Freedom

We at Two Masters seek to multiply our teaching system into church leadership and pastors. This goal in mind, we are offering a free coupon code for your leaders to take the online Master's Way course at no charge.

Free eBook: “The Weapon of Prayer” by E.M. Bounds

Bounds, "The life of the believer, salvation, and personal Christian graces have their being, bloom, and fruitage in prayer."