Videos For Pastors

Tim Keller: What is Contextualization?

Contextualization is not giving people what they want to hear but it is giving people biblical answers to the questions people are asking their particular time and place.

Manny Pacquiao | What Is a Real Christian?

"Matt Crouch interviews Manny Pacquiao as the boxing champion shares his take on people claiming to be Christian, but who are really not."

Martin Luther King Jr. On Love Your Enemies

Martin Luther King Jr.'s "Love Your Enemies" speech is as relevant today as it was 60 years ago.

Christian MLB Players & NFL Players on Why Baptism Is Important

Some Christian MLB players and NFL players discuss baptism in this short, powerful video.

Perhaps We’ve Over-Emphasized Compatibility When Looking for a Spouse

When it comes to marriage could there be a chance that we might be overplaying the importance of finding someone who aligns with us on virtually everything? In the following video, Jefferson and Alysa Bethke speak to this interesting subject.

John Piper: Why PhDs in Theology Commit Adultery

There are probably more people with graduate degrees in theology that commit adultery than people who are less educated. Piper’s blunt answer to why PhDs in theology commit adultery is that “they don’t know God!”

Who Wrote the Doxology – And What Do You Really Know About It?

'The Doxology' could be the most famous hymn sung by Christians throughout the world. But how much do you really know about it?

Chris Pratt Presents 9 Rules for Life: Hear His Advice for Teens

Chris Pratt gave a stirring speech a few years ago, sharing nine rules for life with young people. Check out his advice (both funny and serious) for teens.

Thabiti Anyabwile: What I Wish I Had Known About Preaching

Everyone has a mental list of “I wish I had knowns” in their life and that list only grows longer as one gets older. This is true for preaching as well.

Brian ‘Head’ Welch: God Used My Daughter to Save Me From Drug Addiction

"Instantly, that love from God came into me.” Brian 'Head Welch describes his conversion experience.

What Is the Correct View of Heaven?

In this ten-minute roundtable, John Piper, Scott Swain, and Randy Alcorn take up the thorny topic of heaven in the hopes defining a correct view of heaven, providing a more biblically-informed picture of our future home.